Everyone is welcome

Founded in 2002, Prost! is the brain child of Chris Navarra. In his youth, Chris spent a lot of time in Germany at his grandparent’s farm. In these formative years, he was inspired by the German’s sense of community, their traditions and of course their deep love of bier.
After a largely unsatisfying career in tech, Chris longed to bring a piece of his past to Seattle. He took a big chance and invested all his savings into a little German pub on Phinney Ridge, a place where good friends can meet, new friends can be made, and German bier can be enjoyed. As it turns out, Seattlites were hungry for a piece of Germany and the bar took off.
Over the next 15 years the Prost! brand would spread through Seattle (Die Bierstube 2004, Feierabend 2006, Prost! West Seattle 2008) to Portland (Prost! Portland 2009, Stammtisch 2014) and on to Boise (Prost! Boise 2015). While each location is shaped by the neighborhood, it’s staff and regulars, the fundamentals of German tradition and the Prost brand are it’s key to success. Each bier is poured slowly, allowing a creamy full head to be built on the bier, as in Germany. Additionally, each bier is poured in glassware specifically designed for the style of bier by the brewery.
We hope you will come down to one of the pubs soon, enjoy a bier and experience Germany!